Corrado is vice president, board member and partner at HAVAS Red Italy. He is a public affairs, healthcare and employer branding business development lead with more than 20 years of experience as corporate communications consultant. Before joining HAVAS, he was patient access manager with Pfizer and head of the corporate communications and new business unit with Edelman Italy. Corrado has an in-depth expertise in healthcare communications, public affairs and corporate reputation — both in the private and public fields — crisis communications, corporate social responsibility, political elections campaigns and financial communications. He has collaborated, among others, with Bayer, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Comune di Milano, EG-Eurogenerici, Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, IDF International Diabetes Federation, Mattel, Merck-Serono, Novartis, Pfizer Italia, Regione Lombardia, Sanofi, Sara Lee, Standard & Poor’s, Swiss Re and Ubi Banca. He is lecturer at different post-graduate programs such as 24Ore Business School, RCS Academy and University of Milan.