Since its establishment in 1992, Bakti Budaya Djarum Foundation has been committed to its mission to support and preserve the rich cultures of Indonesia. With a firm commitment and ever-greater sense of responsibility to support the cultural and performing arts community devastated by the pandemic, Indonesia Kaya charged forward to produce and promote show events throughout 2021.
The most ambitious of these events was a hybrid six-part musical series called NURBAYA. Though we were prohibited by the client and the government from conducting the usual live media previews, in-person press conferences, meet-and-greets, and post-event media interviews, the agency requirement remained the same: to provide optimal publicity and media coverage pre-, during and post-event. As the media was experiencing a flood of online meeting and attendance requests on a daily basis, Red Havas was further challenged to achieve the necessary attention, interest and attendance from the media for our weekly 20-minute musical series.