October 11, 2021


by William Turner in News, White Papers

The pandemic invited us to forget what we thought we knew about employee engagement. Challenged to devise new ways to unite and inspire people working remotely in a time of heightened anxiety, we learned a lot.

Five things in particular became crystal clear:

  1. More is more: Consistent communication is the employee’s love language.
  1. Messaging from the inside out: An investment in internal comms is an investment in external comms.
  1. Experience is everything: Employees deserve a holistic work experience they’ll never forget.
  1. From dialogue to multilogue: Empowered employees are given tools that encourage them to speak up.
  1. Turning up the HEAT: Comms must lead with humanity, empathy, accountability and transparency.

To dig into our learnings and the best practices emerging from them, download “A Whole New World of Employee Engagement: 5 Internal Comms Trends in 2021” here. 

Like most corporate communications over the past two tumultuous years, this white paper gets to the point. We went directly to the source, interviewing top internal communicators from around the world. As much as possible, we’ve shared their candid perspectives with you word for word.

Hopefully our passion for employee engagement shines through. It’s among the most meaningful work we get to do for our clients. The urgency it took on last year required more ingenuity, pushing the practice in exciting new directions.

Consider the bar officially raised for internal communicators

Companies everywhere are now expected to be more intentional about how they engage with their employees and external stakeholders. That means they’re more likely to invest in internal comms—and all the things it requires, whether that’s creating belonging via digital tools, facilitating higher visibility for senior leaders or encouraging employees to speak up.

As one global comms executive told us, “Executive communications are not as traditional and formal as they used to be. The human element is being injected in how we communicate and cascade information. To put people first, you have to bring humanity in.”

One thing we know for sure: When employees feel heard, supported and trusted, employers see success shine through in every other facet of the business.

COVID-19 left no choice other than for companies to get real with their employees. Communications are more inclusive, empathetic and purpose-oriented. Less bloated with jargon, more sincere.

It’s a whole new world of employee engagement, and we are here for it.

“A Whole New World of Employee Engagement: 5 Internal Comms Trends in 2021” reflects the insights of our Global CEO James Wright; Linda Descano, CFA, executive vice president; Ellen Mallernee Barnes, vice president; Heather Konyk, account director; Ashley Jones, content manager; and Dana Wohlfarth, assistant account executive.